Clinton Rocks

Think Progress » Fox News Sunday, Interview With President Bill Clinton, 9/22/06 (Rough Transcript)

The story is dated, but it’s a good opportunity to remember how Clinton gave the noecons two black eyes–in their house, on their TV network no less–about a month ago. It’s no wonder they hate him. Nobody has ever exploited the neocon ineptitude better than Clinton.

Come to think of it, this was around the time when the whole neocon house of cards started to collapse. It is fair to say that the rapid erosion of confidence in the GOP that culminated in the official abandonment of the “cut and run” versus “stay the course” stupidity by the GOP began with Clinton’s effective rattling of the hollow foundation of the GOP platform.

So, take some time to remember how it all started. Use the link above to read the transcript of the interview, click here to watch the entire interview, or click here to watch Keith Olbermann’s most appropriate evisceration of Chris Wallace and Fox News for being such pathetic excuses for journalism.

Oh, yes, let’s not forget the two authoritative sources that have condemned Bush’s ignorance, the GOP’s erosion of our protections against terrorism (starting in 1996), and praised Clinton’s presence of mind:

The 9/11 Commission Report
The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

Or, just save yourself the trouble and vote Democrat.

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