Hello and welcome to the unofficial manual, Introduction to IGOR Pro Programming. This manual was developed under a grant from Wavemetrics, Inc.

The manual was written in order to facilitate the transition from being a competent IGOR Pro user to being a competent IGOR Pro programmer. Why? Because IGOR Pro is the swiss army knife of data analysis, instrument control and data visualization, and the key to unfolding this potential is programming.

So, if you wish to start programming with IGOR Pro, then download the two files that make up the manual (the manual itself and the companion experiment) below, and begin.

Please feel free to add comments below or to send me email if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions.

The collection of resources at the end may also be of use.


The Files:

The Manual: View/Download pdf version (33 pp, 460 Kb)

The Companion Experiment:

Igor_Programming_Intro.pxp (IGOR .pxp file, 544 Kb)

Wavemetrics Resources:

IGOR Pro User-created Resources:

These are links (hopefully) not cited in the above resources.

  • Igor Exchange What promises to be the ultimate IGOR support and development portal by Adam Light
  • nClamp Data acquisition software for electrophysiology from the Silver Lab at University College, London
  • Neuromatic A collection of Igor Pro functions for analyzing electrophysiological data.
  • Using LaTeX with IGOR Pro by Jesús Martínez Blanco
  • Irena 2: package of small-angle scattering data evaluation and modeling macros for Igor Pro
  • Nika: Package of 2D to 1D small-angle scattering data reduction macros for IGOR Pro
  • Freiburg Evoked Potentials Recording and analysis of visual evoked potentials, be it from the retina (ERG, PERG) or the cortex (VEP)
  • IGOR Functions by Jeremy Bergsman A variety of utilities (such as loading files, automating image analysis)
  • Mike Sailor’s collection of IGOR procedures for designing rugate and Bragg filters, collecting and processing data from Ocean Optics spectrometers, and to calculate porosity and thickness of Fabry-Perot layers. Use subject to terms on the page.

Companies using IGOR Pro

9 Replies to “IGOR Pro”

  1. Hi Jeremy,

    Thank you very much. Actually, it’s been out for quite some time now. I should probably plug it more aggressively.


  2. Hello Sir,

    What a pleasure to (re)discover the basis of igor programming in this tutorial ! You make me more comfortable with writing igor function, and I’m waiting for the next episode 😉 ! Thank you for all !!!

    Sincerely yours


  3. Hello Sir:
    There is a bug in your example, on page 24 of 33, Introduction_to_Igor_programming.pdf.

    The line says:
    ExtractedRow[p] = theMatrix[i][p]

    It should say
    ExtractedRow = theMatrix[i][p]

    ExtractedRow[0,(numpnts(extractedRow)-1)] = theMatrix[i][p]

    Harald Herchen, Ph.D.

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