Why You Should Vote FOR Prop 29

The tobacco industry is beyond clever. Their cunning and savvy in manipulating people, governments, media and markets are so enormous that the account of their mischief has earned at least one historian a Pulitzer Prize.

Washington Post National Weekly Edition article on tobacco taxes in CA
Washington Post National Weekly Edition article on tobacco taxes in CA

And, they are at it again when they attack Proposition 29. Back in 1998 The Washington Post National Weekly Edition published an article (click here to view it) detailing how effective California’s advertising campaigns had been in curbing teen smoking. This campaign reduced teen smoking so dramtacally that the tobacco industry engaged in a surreptitious campaign to divert tobacco tax dollars from anti-smoking advertising to smoking-related health care. (My scanner back in 1998 was pretty bad.) By pitting these two factions of the public health sector, they wreaked much havoc.

Their advertising against Proposition 29 is no different. They know that the additional advertising funded by Prop 29 taxes may well put the nail in the coffin of smoking in California. Don’t buy their lies. Vote for Prop 29. It will save countless fortunes and lives in twenty years in health care dividends.

Don’t be fooled by the anti-29 advertising. Vote yes on this measure and make sure that the price that people pay for tobacco is enough to cover the medical mayhem that this scourge causes.

Tragedy Strikes the Internet

BBC News – Facebook users suffer service disruptions

It is a calamity of biblical proportions when millions of Facebook users endure a two-hour span of time during which they cannot instantly find out whether a friend drank a latte, discover that a distance acquaintance inadvertently passed gas, or wonder as to why a particular friend had to forward such a stale political cartoon.

It was so important that, in addition to this BBC News piece, people felt compelled to comment on it on Twitter:

“Facebook is acting like its stock. It keeps going down,” quipped one Twitter user.

Thanks to the network architect gods, the agony of missing pablum is over. We can all feed our addictions. As soon as I click on “publish”, this will be posted to Facebook to be enjoyed by, perhaps, millions. My timing may be perfect, but will I be heard above the noise?

Possibly louder than any protestor in Syria.