U.S. Cites 91 Percent Rise In Terrorist Acts in Iraq

U.S. Cites 91 Percent Rise In Terrorist Acts in Iraq – washingtonpost.com

It would seem as if the war against terror is yielding as much success as the war against drugs: thus far, the war against terror has had as much effect on terror as the war against drugs has had on drug abuse. One can only pray that this “war against terror” does not last as long as the one against drugs.

Heaven help those who are about to die. They can expect help from no other source.

Read more.

The Ultimate Angelides Ad

Epilogue: Angelides never went on the offensive against Ahhnold, and lost handily. Given Angelides’ total lack of backbone, I was all too happy to vote for the Green Party’s Candidate, Peter Camejo. I proudly counted as part of the 2.3% of disenchanted Californians who voted for the only rational candidate on the ballot, according the official election results. One wonders how much traffic, how many potholes, how much air pollution, how little public education and how expensive of a public university system people will tolerate before they vote for somebody who is dedicated to making California livable again.

09.28.2006 – Study highlights UC as tech-transfer powerhouse

It is utterly perplexing that Phil Angelides is losing his campaign to the embodiment of the stereotypical vapid politician. The Governator is also incompetent to boot. I hope the Angelides campaign uses this idea for their final campaign.

Read the above UC Berkeley byte about the Milken Institute report about technology transfer in California. The Milken Institute–hardly a “liberal” tank of any sort–concludes that the UC system is a an economic powerhouse, transferring much knowledge and expertise to the private sector in the form of technologies that have made California an economic powerhouse.

What does Arnold do with this economic engine that is the UC system? He cuts funding.

The Angelides campaign ought to take this report and juxtapose it against Arnold’s campaign ads claiming that Arnold intends to take Kahlifornia forward, and speak power to the truth. Is an economic policy that favors Indian casinos going forward? Does cutting funding to the academic institutions that gave birth to companies like Intel, Apple, Genentech, Amgen and countless others constitute any form of progress?

The Angelides campaign ought to make it very clear. The choice is between minimum wage jobs at Pechanga casino and high-tech jobs at Intel, Apple, Pixar, Genentech, and so on. Angelides ought to hit this point hard. Arnold is eroding the institutions that made California a powerhouse. Arnold does not deserve another chance.

The Ultimate Angelides Ad

It’s Unanimous: Bush is Clueless

Book Says Bush Ignored Urgent Warning on Iraq – New York Times

That is the assessment of every single official who has served with the man, and every single official who is still serving the man. The accounts are unanimous in their documentation of ignorance, of the sacrificing of reason and prudence at the altar of ideology and of absolute incompetence in waging war. The accounts are not fabricated by bogeymen, or political enemies. They are delivered by the participants themselves: Powell, O’Neil, Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and all the other cast members of this ship of fools.

On the eve of escalation, therefore, it is perhaps a good idea to remember the most definitive documentation of GOP incompetence in waging a useless war.

How can an organization be so hare-brained that its members routinely contradict each other and themselves? That they cannot keep a single secret. That they are undermined by any rational person that good fortune places in their paths?

How is it that anyone agrees to board the ship when the crew advertises its incompetence so proudly?

It is good to live without fear, but it is tragic to live without reason. Titanic was sunk by an iceberg that crossed its path unexpectedly. Heaven help the passengers on the ship whose crew are steering directly toward the iceberg.

Military Officers Criticize Rumsfeld. What a Surprise.

USATODAY.com – Retired military officers criticize Rumsfeld at Democratic hearing

It is good to remember the above USA Today article from September because John McCain decided to remember his military roots today. Yes, after being civil toward Donald Rumsefeld–the petty bureaucrat who singlehandedly assured failure in Iraq by micromanaging the war–for many years, McCain finally remembers that it was the micromanagement of stupid men like Rumsfeld that made a war hero of McCain, and McCain decided to unleash on Rumsfeld, finally.

It took no less than an army of political advisors to remind McCain of the need for wars to be conducted by warriors. Forget about memory enhancing pills. If you want to remember who you are, hire consultants who will remind you of who you are at the most opportune moment. Unlike McCain, the rest of us might wish to have this reminder right before intercourse. Or, right after.

McCain’s belated fury proves that his “maverick” ways are ultimately part of a political persona constructed meticulously by campaign advisors. In as much, this calculated outburst proves that the campaign consultants that run our political system are as lacking in imagination as the screen writers that churn out the tasteless Hollywood blockbuster movies.

There is, therefore, no wonder that people have become as numb to politics as they have become numb to the Hollywood blockbusters for which they can no longer shell $15 out. Like the last five Bruce Willis movies, the political plot has become bland, predictable and needlessly loud.

Bush More Dangerous than Kim Jong Il

British believe Bush more dangerous than Kim Jong-il | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

It would seem as though our brethren across the Atlantic are endowed with a far more realistic assessment of George W Bush’s capability for calamity than the Americans who defied logic by reelecting him. For all of his madness, Kim Jong Il’s havoc has so far afflicted North Koreans primarily. Kim Jong Il’s sphere of evil is decidedly more limited in size (though not magnitude) than the sphere of ignorance in which George W Bush happily resides.

Why am I writing this stuff? Will this madness end?

Bush Is for Oil…And, That’s about All

Suits Say U.S. Impeded Audits for Oil Leases – New York Times

Memorable quote from page 3 of the article:

“From 1989 through 2001, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office, auditing and other enforcement efforts generated an average of $176 million a year. But from 2002 through 2005, according to numbers that the department provided lawmakers last May, those collections averaged only $46 million.

In another clash, frustrated federal auditors have complained that the Interior Department no longer allows them to subpoena documents from oil companies.”

It leaves one to wonder what “conservatism” means anymore if a purportedly conservative government insists on subsidizing the most profitable industry in the world. If conservatism implies that governments should not interfere in markets, then why on earth would conservative people give a handout to an industry that needs no more economic advantage, an industry that dominates energy totally? If subsidizing solar cells is wrong, then why is subsidizing oil companies right?

It also causes despair to those who think about policy and responsibility on the part of the government. What aspect of this energy policy is responsible? This approach is tantamount to subsidizing the AT&T monopoly 30 years ago, instead of investing in the development of the internet. Now the internet is challenging the phone system as a viable new means of communication. Instead of being at the mercy of phone companies, consumers have some recourse. The servile Bush energy policy explicitly extends and strengthens the oil monopoly at a time when supply is scarce. It subjugates the needs of businesses to the profit motive (not imperative) of the oil industry at a time when the industry could not possibly reap greater profits. It is an energy policy that serves no need, no national purpose and no economic imperative.

Fortunately, impeachment is now a possibility.

Of Mice

Crooks and Liars » Olbermann Gives Us The Visual To Limbaugh’s Attack On Michael J. Fox

Ultimately, all bullies are cowards. Of all the examples of the cowardice that bullies normally exhibit, an instance more egregious than Rush Limbaugh’s attack on the terribly debilitated Michael J. Fox may not be even conceivable.

The elections are over. The craven party has lost, for now. One can only pray that people remember and act against this remarkable showing of the utter lack of character and courage that defines “conservatives” and neo-conservatives for the next century. Civilization may well survive if they do.

Clinton Rocks

Think Progress » Fox News Sunday, Interview With President Bill Clinton, 9/22/06 (Rough Transcript)

The story is dated, but it’s a good opportunity to remember how Clinton gave the noecons two black eyes–in their house, on their TV network no less–about a month ago. It’s no wonder they hate him. Nobody has ever exploited the neocon ineptitude better than Clinton.

Come to think of it, this was around the time when the whole neocon house of cards started to collapse. It is fair to say that the rapid erosion of confidence in the GOP that culminated in the official abandonment of the “cut and run” versus “stay the course” stupidity by the GOP began with Clinton’s effective rattling of the hollow foundation of the GOP platform.

So, take some time to remember how it all started. Use the link above to read the transcript of the interview, click here to watch the entire interview, or click here to watch Keith Olbermann’s most appropriate evisceration of Chris Wallace and Fox News for being such pathetic excuses for journalism.

Oh, yes, let’s not forget the two authoritative sources that have condemned Bush’s ignorance, the GOP’s erosion of our protections against terrorism (starting in 1996), and praised Clinton’s presence of mind:

The 9/11 Commission Report
The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

Or, just save yourself the trouble and vote Democrat.

Trust in Ohio?

GOP Scandals Dog Ohio Candidate – washingtonpost.com

“You think the Democrats are any better?” is the familiar refrain one hears in response to documentation of Republican corruption. It is such a silly response to the widespread corruption that has been plaguing the Republican Party. This wave of corruption that is unprecedented, certainly so in the past fifty years. From Randal Cunningham, to Tom DeLay and now to the disgraceful gentlemen from Ohio. California, Texas, Ohio. The corruption of the GOP knows no boundaries, no cultural barriers and no moral barriers. What the documented cases of fraud demonstrate is that the GOP is a party corrupt to the core, and that vast majority of the party is wholly dedicated to goal of wielding power at any cost, to the total sacrificing of morals, ethics and decency.

So, yes, the Democrats are better. The facts about the GOP demonstrate prove the allegation. It is impossible to be worse than the worst, to fail morally more than those have failed totally in that respect.

Does that makes Democrats good? Probably not, because because being better than the worst does not qualify one as good. Being better than the worst does make one, well, better. That should be enough.

Florida Redux

AP Wire | 10/10/2006 | U.S. forms task force to crack down on Cuba sanction violators

Surprise, surprise, surprise! The GOP elects to pander to Cubans in Florida again when elections arrive. If campaign slogans were truthful, the GOP’s would read

We destroyed the economy. We lost Iraq. We made Iran more powerful. We encouraged the proliferation of nuclear weapons. We disrupted an international order that was generating wealth for the US. BUT, we did manage to punish a few small businesses who were selling things to a third world country we don’t like.

And, thank God that they did! Thank God, indeed.