Americans Buy Crap That Others Won’t

U.S. Rules Allow the Sale of Products Others Ban – Los Angeles Times

The familiar refrain is “America is number one”. Stories like the one above ought to make one wonder “in what?” Concentration of wealth? Perhaps. Distribution of wealth? Not so. And, now, it seems not so when it comes to having safe products, either.

And, surely, many Americans will take pride in this ranking, for self respect and self worth are commodities that are present in scarce quantities in a land where just about everything is present in abundant quantities.

Publishing, Academics, and Freedom of Information

Chemical & Engineering News: Letters-

The American Chemical Society remains the greatest professional society dedicated to chemistry because it is mature enough to respect and to publish dissenting opinions like mine. What a wonderful example for other institutions, the government especially, to emulate. Thank you, ACS.

You need to be a member to access the full article, but you can click the image below to read my dissent. Everyone should weigh in the subject of access to academic publications and freedom of information; information funded by tax dollars in particular.

The problem with access to academic journals by Payam Minoofar

It Just Makes You Want to Spend!

The Apple Store (U.S.)

This is why Apple shares are soaring. Look at the product. Look at the accessories: an airline power adapter! When so many people plunk down $2200 on a single purchase, the only way to go is up, Baby.

One Problem GM Does not Have

Honda To Boost Civic Production – International Business Times –

Today, Tuesday, November 14, 2006, the big three “American” automakers (Chrysler is not really American anymore) met with President Bush to beg for handouts. Getting creamed in the marketplace should be no grounds for handouts, but chances are that they will get it.

Interestingly, one request would be for the US government to move toward a universal payer system, like in Europe and Japan, whose automotive output has utterly vanquished the big three, especially GM.

Meanwhile, Honda is having problems meeting demand for its cars! After decades of customer clamor for fuel efficient cars, you think that GM would have understood, but they did not. They continued building on ancient chassis, ancient assembly lines and ancient technology in order to maintain 10% profitability in an industry defined by 3% profitability and high capital investments. The resulting erosion of market share for Ford and GM (Chrysler is doing surprisingly well) should come as no surprise. Of course, Chrysler’s exception may well be attributed it to its German ownership.

Ultimately, the fault falls on the shoulders of shareholders who are stupid enough to tolerate CEOs more concerned about their bonuses than the well-being of the company. Nevertheless, if the CEOs who commit this sort of highway robbery (literally, in a way) face with no consequences down the road, GM shareholders will not be the only ones who suffer from GM’s ultimate demise.

Ah, to have Honda’s problems….

Of Mice

Crooks and Liars » Olbermann Gives Us The Visual To Limbaugh’s Attack On Michael J. Fox

Ultimately, all bullies are cowards. Of all the examples of the cowardice that bullies normally exhibit, an instance more egregious than Rush Limbaugh’s attack on the terribly debilitated Michael J. Fox may not be even conceivable.

The elections are over. The craven party has lost, for now. One can only pray that people remember and act against this remarkable showing of the utter lack of character and courage that defines “conservatives” and neo-conservatives for the next century. Civilization may well survive if they do.


Cruel Mother

Nature is a cruel mother. She is so not because she has so many baby lions, birds and squirrels being eaten by predators, but because she makes you want to take a shit in the middle of a job interview.

Clinton Rocks

Think Progress » Fox News Sunday, Interview With President Bill Clinton, 9/22/06 (Rough Transcript)

The story is dated, but it’s a good opportunity to remember how Clinton gave the noecons two black eyes–in their house, on their TV network no less–about a month ago. It’s no wonder they hate him. Nobody has ever exploited the neocon ineptitude better than Clinton.

Come to think of it, this was around the time when the whole neocon house of cards started to collapse. It is fair to say that the rapid erosion of confidence in the GOP that culminated in the official abandonment of the “cut and run” versus “stay the course” stupidity by the GOP began with Clinton’s effective rattling of the hollow foundation of the GOP platform.

So, take some time to remember how it all started. Use the link above to read the transcript of the interview, click here to watch the entire interview, or click here to watch Keith Olbermann’s most appropriate evisceration of Chris Wallace and Fox News for being such pathetic excuses for journalism.

Oh, yes, let’s not forget the two authoritative sources that have condemned Bush’s ignorance, the GOP’s erosion of our protections against terrorism (starting in 1996), and praised Clinton’s presence of mind:

The 9/11 Commission Report
The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

Or, just save yourself the trouble and vote Democrat.

Trust in Ohio?

GOP Scandals Dog Ohio Candidate –

“You think the Democrats are any better?” is the familiar refrain one hears in response to documentation of Republican corruption. It is such a silly response to the widespread corruption that has been plaguing the Republican Party. This wave of corruption that is unprecedented, certainly so in the past fifty years. From Randal Cunningham, to Tom DeLay and now to the disgraceful gentlemen from Ohio. California, Texas, Ohio. The corruption of the GOP knows no boundaries, no cultural barriers and no moral barriers. What the documented cases of fraud demonstrate is that the GOP is a party corrupt to the core, and that vast majority of the party is wholly dedicated to goal of wielding power at any cost, to the total sacrificing of morals, ethics and decency.

So, yes, the Democrats are better. The facts about the GOP demonstrate prove the allegation. It is impossible to be worse than the worst, to fail morally more than those have failed totally in that respect.

Does that makes Democrats good? Probably not, because because being better than the worst does not qualify one as good. Being better than the worst does make one, well, better. That should be enough.

Inauspicious Start

“Click” here for first 50GB Blu-ray Disc | Technology | Internet |

Sony really wants its Blu-Ray standard to be the standard for the next generation of DVDs. How does it launch the commercial release of the product on which it is gambling so heavily? By releasing one the year’s shittiest movies, of course. The logic of launching Blu-Ray with Click, an Adam Sandler movie that sucked so bad that Sandler himself would not deign to promote it, is astounding. Sony shareholders had better pray that their company plans stronger, more effective launches for future products.